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Chicanx and Latinx Studies CLS


Mi Universidad

The Mi Universidad program is a pathway for you and other students to gain college experience while still in high school, learn how to apply for undergraduate or graduate studies, and enroll in free courses taught in Spanish to enhance your professional skills. Our program is also for parents and families; we understand that you play an important role in your student’s success, and we want you to be informed and included every step of the way.

As you begin to explore the many pre-college programs, professional courses, campus events and student activities on this website, know that you belong here. UC San Diego is a university that honors your unique identity, personal history and cultural values. We look forward to embracing you as part of our diverse community.

Click here to learn more about the program.

Professional Development

Raza Housing at UC San Diego

The Raza Living-Learning Community (RLLC) will provide a space in the Eleanor Roosevelt College neighborhood for new and continuing UCSD students from all six colleges to live and contribute to a vibrant community. New freshmen in the program will be housed in the residence halls and continuing and transfer students in the program will be housed within the International House complex. Residents in this community are committed to developing their understanding of and greater appreciation for the Chican@/x and Latin@/x experience in the United States and the histories and cultures of Latin America. The community’s programmatic objectives of community-building, mentorship, and education are enhanced by opportunities to partner with International House, Raza Resource Centro and the campus student organizations for an exciting calendar of formal and informal collaborations throughout the year.

Please contact the Eleanor Roosevelt College Residential Life Office with questions: 858-534-2261 or

Resource Centers and Services

Scholarships and Fellowships

Student Organizations