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Chicanx and Latinx Studies CLS

Course Offerings

This schedule is tentative and subject to change.

Courses with * need a petition form to be counted toward the minor since they have not been added to the official curriculum. Petition forms may be submitted before, during, or after taking a course. Visit our webpage on How to Petition Courses for more information.

Fall 2024

ANSC 104 The US-Mexico Border (*with petition)

ETHN 146A. Ensemble (Cross-listed with TDAC 120.)

ETHN 153. Citizenship and Civil Rights in the Twentieth Century (Cross-listed with HIUS 136.)

ETHN 154. History of Mexican America (Cross-listed with HIUS 113.)

HILA 122. Cuba: From Colony to Socialist Republic

HILA 169. Scholarship on Latin America in the Twentieth Century

HILD 7C. History of Race and Ethnicity in the U.S.

HILD 14. Film and History of Latin America

HIUS 113. History of Mexican America (Cross-listed with ETHN 154.)

HIUS 136. Citizenship and Civil Rights in the Twentieth Century (Cross-listed with ETHN 153.)

LTEN 29. Introduction to Chicano Literature

LTAM 110. Latin American Literature in Translation

TDMV 142. Latin Dance of the World

POLI 100H. Race and Ethnicity in American Politics

COMM 181. Citizen-Consumers (*with petition)

HILA 118. Subverting Sovereignty: US Aggression in Latin America, 1898–Present (*with petition)

COMM 106G. Tourism: Global Industry, Cultural Form (*with petition)

Language Courses: 

LIPO 1A. Portuguese Conversation (Must be taken with LIPO 1AX.)

LIPO 1AX. Analysis of Portuguese (Must be taken with LIPO 1A.)

LIPO 1D. Portuguese Conversation (Must be taken with LIPO 1DX.)

LIPO 1DX. Analysis of Portuguese (Must be taken with LIPO 1D.)

LISP 1A. Spanish Conversation (Must be taken with LISP 1AX.)

LISP 1AX. Analysis of Spanish (Must be taken with LISP 1A.)

LISP 1B. Spanish Conversation (Must be taken with LISP 1BX.)

LISP 1BX. Analysis of Spanish (Must be taken with LISP 1B.)

LISP 1D. Spanish Conversation (Must be taken with LISP 1DX.)

LISP 1DX. Analysis of Spanish (Must be taken with LISP 1D.)

LISP 15. Intermediate Spanish for the Social Sciences

LISP 18. Intermediate Spanish for the Health Sciences

LTSP 2A. Intermediate Spanish I: Foundations

LTSP 2B. Intermediate Spanish II: Readings and Composition

LTSP 2C. Intermediate Spanish III: Cultural Topics and Composition

LTSP 135A Mexican Literature before 1910

LTSP 124: Spanish in the community (*with petition)

Winter 2025

ANSC 135. Indigenous Peoples of Latin America

CGS 137. Latina Issues and Cultural Production (Cross-listed with ETHN 137.)

CGS 187. Latinx Sexualities (Cross-listed with ETHN 187.)

HILA 100. Conquest and Empire: The Americas

HILA 102. Latin America in the Twentieth Century

HILA 167. Scholarship on Latin American History in the Colonial Period

HIUS 146. Race, Riots, and Violence in the U.S.

HIUS 180. Immigration and Ethnicity in the Modern American Society (Cross-listed with ETHN 134.)

LTAM 105. Gender and Sexuality in Latino/a-Chicano/a Cultural Production

LTAM 110. Latin American Literature in Translation

LTEN 180. Chicano Literature in English (Cross-listed with ETHN 139.)

MUS 13. Worlds of Music

PHIL 35. Philosophy in the Americas

USP 188. Field Research in Migrant Communities—Practicum

EDS 117. Language, Culture, and Education (Cross-listed with SOCI 117.)

EDS 125. History, Politics, and Theory of Bilingual Education

TDHT 111/ETHN 133 - Latinx Theatre and Performance 

TDMV 142. Latin Dance of the World

TDMV 146. Intermediate Latin Dances of the World

COMM 111B Global Borders: Communication and Conflict 

ETHN 119. Race in the Americas

ETHN 133. Hispanic American Dramatic Literature (Cross-listed with TDHT 111.)

ETHN 134. Immigration and Ethnicity in Modern American Society (Cross-listed with HIUS 180.)

ETHN 137. Latina Issues and Cultural Production (Cross-listed with CGS 137.)

ETHN 138. Black and Latinx Crossings: Relations, Divergences, and Solidarities

ETHN 139. Chicano Literature in English (Cross-listed with LTEN 180.)

ETHN 143. Chicana/o Film and Media Studies

ETHN 187. Latinx Sexualities (Cross-listed with CGS 187.)

USP 188. Field Research in Migrant Communities—Practicum

USP 189: Inclusive Urban Planning* (with petition)

BILD 60. Exploring Issues of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Relation to Human Biology

LIGN 178. Spanish Sociolinguistics (*with petition)


Language Courses:

LTSP 2A. Intermediate Spanish I: Foundations

LTSP 2B. Intermediate Spanish II: Readings and Composition

LTSP 2C. Intermediate Spanish III: Cultural Topics and Composition

LTSP 2F Spanish for Heritage Learners II

LTSP 3F Spanish for Heritage Learners III

LTSP 100F Advanced Spanish Language and Culture for Heritage Learners

LTSP 116. Representations of Spanish Colonialism

LTSP 135B. Modern Mexican Literature

LTSP 166. Creative Writing in Spanish

LTSP 172. Indigenista Themes in Latin American Literature

LISP 1B. Spanish Conversation (Must be taken with LISP 1BX.)

LISP 1BX. Analysis of Spanish (Must be taken with LISP 1B.)

LISP 1C. Spanish Conversation (Must be taken with LISP 1CX.)

LISP 1CX. Analysis of Spanish (Must be taken with LISP 1C.)

LISP 16. Intermediate Spanish for the Social Sciences

LISP 18. Intermediate Spanish for the Health Sciences

LIPO 1B. Portuguese Conversation (Must be taken with LIPO 1BX.)

LIPO 1BX. Analysis of Portuguese (Must be taken with LIPO 1B.)

LIPO 17. Intermediate Brazilian Portuguese for the Social Sciences: Ethnicity

Spring 2025

ETHN 30. Introduction to Chicanx and Latinx Studies

ETHN 108. Race, Culture, and Social Change

VIS 102. Democratizing the City

ANSC 117. Transgenderisms

COMM 155. Latinx Space, Place, and Culture

POLI 150A. Politics of Immigration

HILA 132. Modern Mexico: From Revolution of Drug War Violence

PHIL 155. Mexican Philosophy

GLBH 108. Hispanic and Latinx Issues in Global Health

EDS 117. Language, Culture, and Education (Cross-listed with SOCI 117.)

EDS 125. History, Politics, and Theory of Bilingual Education

TDMV 142. Latin Dance of the World

TDMV 146. Intermediate Latin Dances of the World


Language Courses:

LTSP 2A. Intermediate Spanish I: Foundations

LTSP 2B. Intermediate Spanish II: Readings and Composition

LTSP 2C. Intermediate Spanish III: Cultural Topics and Composition

LTSP 2F Spanish for Heritage Learners II

LTSP 3F Spanish for Heritage Learners III

LTSP 100A Advanced Spanish Language and Culture

LTSP 100F Advanced Spanish Language and Culture for Heritage Learners

LTSP 169. Latin American Popular and Mass Cultures

LTSP 175. Gender, Sexuality, and Culture

LISP 1A. Spanish Conversation (Must be taken with LISP 1AX.)

LISP 1AX. Analysis of Spanish (Must be taken with LISP 1A.)

LISP 1C. Spanish Conversation (Must be taken with LISP 1CX.)

LISP 1CX. Analysis of Spanish (Must be taken with LISP 1C.)

LISP 1D. Spanish Conversation (Must be taken with LISP 1DX.)

LISP 1DX. Analysis of Spanish (Must be taken with LISP 1D.)

LISP 17. Intermediate Spanish for the Social Sciences

LISP 18. Intermediate Spanish for the Health Sciences

LIPO 1C. Portuguese Conversation (Must be taken with LIPO 1CX.)

LIPO 1CX. Analysis of Portuguese (Must be taken with LIPO 1C.)

Past Course Offerings


Fall 2023

CLX 87. First-Year Seminar: What is a Chicano? And why should we care anyway? (1 unit. Note: does not replace a 4-unit course toward the minor)


ANSC 100 Special Topics in Anthropology: MÉXICO* (with petition)

CGS 187. Latinx Sexualities (Cross-listed with ETHN 187.)

HILA 100. Conquest and Empire: The Americas

HILA 122. Cuba: From Colony to Socialist Republic

TDMV 142. Latin Dance of the World

TDPF 164  - Performance Lab* (with petition)

TDDM 1 - Intro to Dance Making* (with petition)

LTAM 111 Cuban Cultural Studies* (with petition)


Language Courses: 

LIPO 1A. Portuguese Conversation (Must be taken with LIPO 1AX.)

LIPO 1AX. Analysis of Portuguese (Must be taken with LIPO 1A.)

LIPO 1D. Portuguese Conversation (Must be taken with LIPO 1DX.)

LIPO 1DX. Analysis of Portuguese (Must be taken with LIPO 1D.)

LISP 1A. Spanish Conversation (Must be taken with LISP 1AX.)

LISP 1AX. Analysis of Spanish (Must be taken with LISP 1A.)

LISP 1B. Spanish Conversation (Must be taken with LISP 1BX.)

LISP 1BX. Analysis of Spanish (Must be taken with LISP 1B.)

LISP 1D. Spanish Conversation (Must be taken with LISP 1DX.)

LISP 1DX. Analysis of Spanish (Must be taken with LISP 1D.)

LISP 15. Intermediate Spanish for the Social Sciences

LISP 18. Intermediate Spanish for the Health Sciences

LTSP 2A. Intermediate Spanish I: Foundations

LTSP 2B. Intermediate Spanish II: Readings and Composition

LTSP 2B. Intermediate Spanish II: Readings and Composition

LTSP 2C. Intermediate Spanish III: Cultural Topics and Composition

LTSP 2D. Intermediate/Advanced Spanish: Spanish for Bilingual Speakers

LTSP 2E. Advanced Readings and Composition for Bilingual Speakers

LTSP 100A/B/C Advanced Reading and Writing: Heritage Speakers

LTSP 135A Mexican Literature before 1910

LTSP 155 Asian in Latin America

LTSP 172. Indigenista Themes in Latin American Literature

LTSP 272. Literature & Society Studies: Ecocolonialismo: Narrativas


Winter 2024

COMM 111B: Global Borders: Communication and Conflict (*with petition)

COMM 140. Cinema in Latin America

ETHN 116. The United States–Mexico Border in Comparative Perspective

ETHN 138. Black and Latinx Crossings: Relations, Divergences, and Solidarities

ETHN 154. History of Mexican America (Cross-listed with HIUS 113.)

HILA 102. Latin America in the Twentieth Century

HILA 118. Subverting Sovereignty: US Aggression in Latin America, 1898–Present. (*with petition)

HILD 14. Film and History of Latin America

HIUS 102. Chicana and Chicano Movement* (with petition)

HIUS 113. History of Mexican America (Cross-listed with ETHN 154.)

LIGN 178 - Spanish Sociolinguistics* (with petition)

LTAM 110. Latin American Literature in Translation

LTWR 115 – Experimental Writing Workshop, Winter 2024, “Borderwork”* (WI 24 with petition)

LTWR144 – The Teaching of Writing, Winter 2024, “The Scene of Instruction”* (WI24 with petition)

MUS 13. Worlds of Music

PHIL 35. Philosophy in the Americas

TDMV 140 - Capoeira / World Dances* (with petition)

TDMV 142. Latin Dance of the World: Afro-Cuban


Language Courses: 

LTSP 2A. Intermediate Spanish I: Foundations

LTSP 2B. Intermediate Spanish II: Readings and Composition

LTSP 2C. Intermediate Spanish III: Cultural Topics and Composition

LTSP 2D. Intermediate/Advanced Spanish: Spanish for Bilingual Speakers

LTSP 2E. Advanced Readings and Composition for Bilingual Speakers

LTSP 100A Advanced Spanish Reading and Writing (with petition)

LTSP 100B Advanced Spanish Reading and Writing: Heritage Speakers (with petition)

LTSP 145 Hispanic Memory/Human Rights/Culture (with petition)

LTSP 272 Conquest & Abiayala Rising: Writing by and about Indigenous Peoples in Latin America (Note: this is a graduate level course. For approval to take it, please contact Prof. Carvajal at then after receiving instructor approval submit an EASy request)

LIPO 1B. Portuguese Conversation (Must be taken with LIPO 1BX.)

LIPO 1BX. Analysis of Portuguese (Must be taken with LIPO 1B.)

LIPO 16. Intermediate Brazilian Portuguese for the Social Sciences: Cultural Movements

LISP 1B. Spanish Conversation (Must be taken with LISP 1BX.)

LISP 1BX. Analysis of Spanish (Must be taken with LISP 1B.)

LISP 1C. Spanish Conversation (Must be taken with LISP 1CX.)

LISP 1CX. Analysis of Spanish (Must be taken with LISP 1C.)

LISP 18. Intermediate Spanish for the Health Sciences


Spring 2024

CGS 187. Latinx Sexualities (Cross-listed with ETHN 187.)

ETHN 30. Introduction to Chicanx and Latinx Studies

ETHN 108. Race, Culture, and Social Change

ETHN 113. Decolonizing Geology

ETHN 137. Latina Issues and Cultural Production (Cross-listed with CGS 137.)

ETHN 139. Chicano Literature in English (Cross-listed with LTEN 180.)

ETHN 143. Chicana/o Film and Media Studies

ETHN 153. Citizenship and Civil Rights in the Twentieth Century (Cross-listed with HIUS 136.)

HILA 101. Nation-State Formation, Ethnicity, and Violence in Latin America

HILD 7C. History of Race and Ethnicity in the U.S.

HIUS 136. Citizenship and Civil Rights in the Twentieth Century (Cross-listed with ETHN 153.)

MUS 13. Worlds of Music

POLI 150A. Politics of Immigration

TDMV 142. Latin Dance of the World

COMM 168: Bilingual Communication* (with petition)

LTWR 113 – Intercultural Writing Workshop, Spring 2024, Code-switching, Translanguaging, Self-translation, Transcreation (*with petition)

HILA 119- Central America & US Intervention (*with petition)

HILA 144- Special Topics: Latin America: Radical Americas (*with petition)

TDMV 140: Dances of the World: Ancestral Technologies-Bomba (*with petition)

LTAM 105. Gender and Sexuality in Latino/a-Chicano/a Cultural Production

LTEN 180. Chicano Literature in English (Cross-listed with ETHN 139.)


Language Courses: 

LIPO 1C. Portuguese Conversation (Must be taken with LIPO 1CX.)

LIPO 1CX. Analysis of Portuguese (Must be taken with LIPO 1C.)

LISP 1A. Spanish Conversation (Must be taken with LISP 1AX.)

LISP 1AX. Analysis of Spanish (Must be taken with LISP 1A.)

LISP 1C. Spanish Conversation (Must be taken with LISP 1CX.)

LISP 1CX. Analysis of Spanish (Must be taken with LISP 1C.)

LISP 1D. Spanish Conversation (Must be taken with LISP 1DX.)

LISP 1DX. Analysis of Spanish (Must be taken with LISP 1D.)

LISP 18. Intermediate Spanish for the Health Sciences

LTSP 2A. Intermediate Spanish I: Foundations

LTSP 2B. Intermediate Spanish II: Readings and Composition

LTSP 2C. Intermediate Spanish III: Cultural Topics and Composition

LTSP 2D. Intermediate/Advanced Spanish: Spanish for Bilingual Speakers

LTSP 2E. Advanced Readings and Composition for Bilingual Speakers

LTSP 116. Representations of Spanish Colonialism

LTSP 135B. Mexican Literature before 1910




Fall 2022

ANSC 104. The US-Mexico Border (*with petition)

CGS 187/ ETHN 187. Latinx Sexualities (Cross-listed)

ETHN 139. Chicano Literature in English (Cross-listed with LTEN 180.)

HILA 122. Cuba: From Colony to Socialist Republic

HIUS 155. From Zoot Suits to Hip-Hop: Race and Popular Culture Since WWII

LTAM 110. Latin American Literature in Translation

LTEN 29. Introduction to Chicano Literature

LTEN 180. Chicano Literature in English (Cross-listed with ETHN 139.)

LTSP 116. Representations of Spanish Colonialism

LTSP 140. Latin American Novel

LTSP 175. Gender, Sexuality, and Culture

LTWR 115. Experimental Writing Workshop: Codeswitch (*with petition)

PHIL 155. Mexican Philosophy

TDAC 103A Acting Intensive I: Chicanx Teatro Ensemble (*with petition)

TDMV 142. Latin Dance of the World


Language Courses:

LISP 1A. Spanish Conversation (Must be taken with LISP 1AX.)

LISP 1AX. Analysis of Spanish (Must be taken with LISP 1A.)

LISP 1B. Spanish Conversation (Must be taken with LISP 1BX.)

LISP 1BX. Analysis of Spanish (Must be taken with LISP 1B.)

LISP 15, 16, 17. Intermediate Spanish for the Social Sciences

LISP 18. Intermediate Spanish for the Health Sciences

LTSP 2A. Intermediate Spanish I: Foundations

LTSP 2B. Intermediate Spanish II: Readings and Composition

LTSP 2D. Intermediate/Advanced Spanish: Spanish for Bilingual Speakers

LISP 1D. Spanish Conversation (Must be taken with LISP 1DX.)

LISP 1DX. Analysis of Spanish (Must be taken with LISP 1D.)

LIPO 1A. Portuguese Conversation (Must be taken with LIPO 1AX.)

LIPO 1AX. Analysis of Portuguese (Must be taken with LIPO 1A.)

LIPO 1D. Portuguese Conversation (Must be taken with LIPO 1DX.)

LIPO 1DX. Analysis of Portuguese (Must be taken with LIPO 1D.)


Winter 2023

ETHN 133. Hispanic American Dramatic Literature (Cross-listed with TDHT 111.)

ETHN 139. Chicano Literature in English (Cross-listed with LTEN 180.)

ETHN 154. History of Mexican America (Cross-listed with HIUS 113.)

ETHN 168. Comparative Ethnic Literature (Cross-listed with LTEN 178.)

HILA 114. Dictatorships in Latin America

HIUS 113. History of Mexican America (Cross-listed with ETHN 154.)

LTEN 178. Comparative Ethnic Literature (Cross-listed with ETHN 168.)

LTEN 180. Chicano Literature in English (Cross-listed with ETHN 139.)

MUS 13. Worlds of Music

PHIL 35. Philosophy in the Americas

POLI 146A. The U.S. and Latin America: Political and Economic Relations

POLI 150A. Politics of Immigration

TDHT 111. Hispanic American Dramatic Literature

TDMV 142. Latin Dance of the World

VIS 126BN. The Art and Civilization of the Ancient Maya


Language Courses:

LTSP 2B. Intermediate Spanish II: Readings and Composition

LTSP 2C. Intermediate Spanish III: Cultural Topics and Composition

LTSP 2E. Advanced Readings and Composition for Bilingual Speakers

LTSP 100A Advanced Spanish Reading and Writing

LTSP 100B Advanced Reading and Writing for Heritage Speakers

LTSP 116. Representations of Spanish Colonialism

LTSP 169 Latin American Popular Culture

LTSP 172. Indigenista Themes in Latin American Literature

LIPO 1B. Portuguese Conversation (Must be taken with LIPO 1BX.)

LIPO 1BX. Analysis of Portuguese (Must be taken with LIPO 1B.)

LIPO 16. Intermediate Brazilian Portuguese for the Social Sciences: Cultural Movements

LISP 1B. Spanish Conversation (Must be taken with LISP 1BX.)

LISP 1BX. Analysis of Spanish (Must be taken with LISP 1B.)

LISP 1C. Spanish Conversation (Must be taken with LISP 1CX.)

LISP 1CX. Analysis of Spanish (Must be taken with LISP 1C.)

LISP 18. Intermediate Spanish for the Health Sciences


Spring 2023

CLX 87. First-Year Seminar: What is a Chicano? And why should we care anyway? (1 unit. Note: does not replace a 4-unit course toward the minor)

CGS 137. Latina Issues and Cultural Production (Cross-listed with ETHN 137.)

COMM 140. Cinema in Latin America

ETHN 30 Intro. to Chicanx/Latinx Studies

ETHN 130. Social and Economic History of the Southwest I (Cross-listed with HIUS 158.)

ETHN 118. Contemporary Immigration Issues

ETHN 130. Social and Economic History of the Southwest I (Cross-listed with HIUS 158.)

ETHN 137. Latina Issues and Cultural Production (Cross-listed with CGS 137.)

HILA 102. Latin America in the Twentieth Century

*HILA 121B. History of Brazil, 1889 to Present (with petition)

HILA 168. Scholarship on Latin America in the Nineteenth Century

HILD 7C. History of Race and Ethnicity in the U.S. (lower division)

HIUS 136. Citizenship and Civil Rights in the Twentieth Century (Cross-listed with ETHN 153.)

HIUS 158. Social and Economic History of the Southwest I (Cross-listed with ETHN 130.)

PHIL 156. Latinx Philosophy

POLI 150A. Politics of Immigration

TDMV 142. Latin Dance of the World

*TDMV 20. Movement Laboratory (4): Ancestral Technologies (with petition)

*TDMV 141. Advanced Dances of the World (4): Politics of Partnering (with petition)

*VIS 102: Democratizing the City (4) (with petition)


Language Courses: 

LIPO 1C. Portuguese Conversation (Must be taken with LIPO 1CX.)

LIPO 1CX. Analysis of Portuguese (Must be taken with LIPO 1C.)

LIPO 16. Intermediate Brazilian Portuguese for the Social Sciences: Cultural Movements

LISP 1A. Spanish Conversation (Must be taken with LISP 1AX.)

LISP 1AX. Analysis of Spanish (Must be taken with LISP 1A.)

LISP 1C. Spanish Conversation (Must be taken with LISP 1CX.)

LISP 1CX. Analysis of Spanish (Must be taken with LISP 1C.)

LISP 1D. Spanish Conversation (Must be taken with LISP 1DX.)

LISP 1DX. Analysis of Spanish (Must be taken with LISP 1D.)

LISP 18. Intermediate Spanish for the Health Sciences

LTSP 2D. Intermediate/Advanced Spanish: Spanish for Bilingual Speakers

LTSP 2E. Advanced Readings and Composition for Bilingual Speakers

LTSP 100B. Advanced Reading and Writing in Spanish for Heritage Speakers

LTSP 135A Mexican Literature before 1910

*LTSP 174 - TOPICS IN CULTURE AND POLITICS: Ecocolonialismo: narrativas de la transición energética en América Latina

LTSP 138. Central American Literature

LTSP 155 Asia in Latin America

LTSP 175. Gender, Sexuality, and Culture


FALL 2021

  • CGS 187: Latinx Sexualities (Cross-listed with ETHN 187)
  • ETHN 113: Decolonizing Education
  • ETHN 118: Contemporary Immigration Issues
  • ETHN 146A: Ensemble (Cross-listed with TDAC 120)
  • ETHN 187: Latinx Sexualities (Cross-listed with CGS 187)
  • HILD 14: Film and History of Latin America
  • HILA 101: Nation-State Formation, Ethnicity, and Violence in Latin America
  • LISP 1A: Spanish Conversation
  • LISP 1AX: Analysis of Spanish
  • LISP 1B: Spanish Conversation
  • LISP 1BX: Analysis of Spanish
  • LISP 1D: Spanish Conversation
  • LISP 1DX: Analysis of Spanish
  • LISP 15: Intermediate Spanish for the Social Sciences
  • LISP 18: Intermediate Spanish for the Health Sciences
  • LIPO 1A: Portuguese Conversation
  • LIPO 1AX: Analysis of Portuguese
  • LIPO 1D: Portuguese Conversation
  • LIPO 1DX: Analysis of Portuguese
  • LTEN 29: Introduction to Chicano Literature
  • LTSP 2A: Intermediate Spanish I: Foundations
  • LTSP 2B: Intermediate Spanish II: Readings and Composition
  • LTSP 2D: Intermediate/Advanced Spanish: Spanish for Bilingual Speakers
  • LTSP 116: Representations of Spanish Colonialism
  • *LTWL 120: Transnational Latinx Pop Culture
  • PHIL 156: Latinx Philosophy
  • POLI 146A: The U.S. and Latin America: Political and Economic Relations
  • TDAC 120: Ensemble (Cross-listed with ETHN 146A)


  • *COMM 111C: Cities and Politics of Space
  • ETHN 139: Chicano Literature in English (Cross-listed with LTEN 180)
  • HILA 102: Latin America in the Twentieth Century
  • HILA 169: Scholarship on Latin America in the Twentieth Century
  • LISP 1B: Spanish Conversation
  • LISP 1BX: Analysis of Spanish
  • LISP 1C: Spanish Conversation
  • LISP 1CX: Analysis of Spanish
  • LISP 16: Intermediate Spanish for the Social Sciences
  • LISP 18: Intermediate Spanish for the Health Sciences
  • LIPO 1B: Portuguese Conversation
  • LIPO 1BX: Analysis of Portuguese
  • LIPO 16 Intermediate Brazilian Portuguese for the Social Sciences: Cultural Movements
  • LTAM 110: Latin American Literature in Translation
  • LTEN 180: Chicano Literature in English (Cross-listed with ETHN 139)
  • LTSP 2B: Intermediate Spanish II: Readings and Composition
  • LTSP 2C: Intermediate Spanish III: Cultural Topics and Composition
  • LTSP 2E: Advanced Readings and Composition for Bilingual Speakers
  • LTSP 135B: Modern Mexican Literature
  • LTSP 140: Latin American Novel
  • LTSP 175: Gender, Sexuality, and Culture
  • *LTWR 113: Intercultural Writing Workshop - Borderwork
  • MUS 13: Worlds of Music
  • PHIL 155: Mexican PhilosophyPOLI 150A: Politics of Immigration
  • TDHT 108: Luis Valdez
  • TDMV 142: Latin Dance of the World




  • *COMM 111B: Global Borders: Communication and Conflict
  • *COMM 181: Citizen Consumers


  • CGS 137: Latina Issues and Cultural Production (Cross-listed with ETHN 137)


  • ETHN 30: Intro to Chicanx and Latinx Studies
  • ETHN 137: Latina Issues and Cultural Production (Cross-listed with CGS 137)
  • ETHN 139: Chicano Literature in English (Cross-listed with LTEN 180)
  • ETHN 143: Chicana/o Film and Media Studies
  • ETHN 168: Comparative Ethnic Literature (Cross-listed with LTEN 178)


  • HILD 7C: History of Race and Ethnicity in the U.S.
  • *HIUS 144: Chicana and Latina History in the Twentieth Century with Professor Rosie Bermudez (Section ID: 73828)


  • LISP 1A: Spanish Conversation
  • LISP 1AX: Analysis of Spanish
  • LISP 1C: Spanish Conversation
  • LISP 1CX: Analysis of Spanish
  • LISP 1D: Spanish Conversation
  • LISP 1DX: Analysis of Spanish
  • LISP 17: Intermediate Spanish for the Social Sciences
  • LISP 18: Intermediate Spanish for the Health Sciences
  • LIPO 1C: Portuguese Conversation
  • LIPO 1CX: Analysis of Portuguese
  • LIPO 17: Intermediate Brazilian Portuguese for the Social Sciences: Ethnicity


  • LTEN 178: Comparative Ethnic Literature (Cross-listed with ETHN 168)
  • LTEN 180: Chicano Literature in English (Cross-listed with ETHN 139)
  • LTSP 2A: Intermediate Spanish I: Foundations
  • LTSP 2C: Intermediate Spanish III: Cultural Topics and Composition
  • LTSP 116: Representations of Spanish Colonialism
  • LTSP 171: Studies in Peninsular and/or Latin American Literature and Society


  • MUS 13: Worlds of Music


  • PHIL 35: Philosophy in the Americas


  • TDMV 142: Latin Dance of the World


  • VIS 126AN: Pre-Columbian Art of Ancient Mexico and Central America




  • CGS 137: Latina Issues and Cultural Production (Cross-listed with ETHN 137)


  • ETHN 118: Contemporary Immigration Issues
  • ETHN 137: Latina Issues and Cultural Production (Cross-listed with CGS 137)


  • LISP 1D: Spanish Conversation
  • LISP 1DX: Analysis of Spanish


  • TDMV 142: Latin Dance of the World


  • LISP 5A (June 27 - July 16)
  • LISP 5B (July 18 - August 6)
  • LIPS 5C (August 8 - August 27)


  • PHIL 155: Mexican Philosophy


  • TDMV 142: Latin Dance of the World


Academic Year 2020-21 Pass/No Pass Policy

Courses taken for P/NP during Fall 2020, Winter 2021, and Spring 2021 will be counted toward a Chicanx and Latinx Studies minor if student receives "P" grade. "NP" grades will not be accepted.

FALL 2020

  • *EDS 117: Language, Culture, and Education
  • *EDS 125: History, Politics and Theory of Bilingual Education
  • ETHN 113: Decolonizing Education
  • ETHN 118: Contemporary Immigration Issues
  • ETHN 119: Race in the Americas
  • ETHN 168: Comparative Ethnic Literature
  • HILA 101: Nation-State Formation, Ethnicity and Violence in Latin America
  • HIUS 158: Social and Economic History of the Southwest I
  • LTAM 110: Latin American Literature in Translation
  • *LTSP 135A: Mexican Literature before 1910 (Taught in Spanish)
  • MUS 13: Worlds of Music
  • PHIL 155: Mexican Philosophy
  • POLI 146A: The U.S. and Latin America: Political and Economic Relations
  • TDMV 142: Latin Dance of the World
  • VIS 126P: Latin American Art: Modern to Postmodern, 1890 - 1950


  • *COMM 111B: Global Borders - Communication and Conflict
  • *COMM 190: Junior Seminar in Communication: Branding Natures with Matilde Cordoba Azcarate
  • *EDS 125: History, Politics and Theory of Bilingual Education
  • ETHN 143: Chicana/o Film and Media Studies
  • HILA 102: Latin America in the Twentieth Century
  • HILA 131: History of Mexico
  • HIUS 136: Citizenship and Civil Rights in the Twentieth Century
  • *LATI 10: Reading North by South: Latin American Studies and the US Liberation Movements
  • *LATI 50: Introduction to Latin America
  • *LATI 150: Digital Oral History in Latin America
  • *LIGN 178: Spanish Sociolinguistics
  • LTAM 110: Latin American Literature in Translation
  • LTEN 180: Chicano Literature in English
  • LTSP 135B: Modern Mexican Literature
  • LTSP 172: Indigenista Themes in Latin American Literature
  • *LTWL 120: Popular Literature and Culture - Latinx Cultural Expressions
  • *LTWR 8C: Writing Nonfiction
  • *LTWR 115: Experimental Writing Workshop - Codeswitch
  • PHIL 35: Philosophy in the Americas
  • PHIL 156: Latinx Philosophy
  • POLI 100H: Race and Ethnicity in American Politics (CANCELLED)
  • POLI 105A: Latino Politics in the U.S. (CANCELLED)
  • TDHT 108: Luis Valdez


  • *ANSC 104: The US-Mexico Border
  • *CGS 187: Latinx Sexualities (Cross-listed with ETHN 187)
  • *EDS 113: Chicanos/Latinos in Education: Equity, Reform & Public Policy
  • *ETHN 120D: Race and Oral History in San Diego
  • *ETHN 133: Hispanic American Dramatic Literature
  • *ETHN 134: Immigration and Ethnicity in the Modern American Society (Cross-listed with HIUS 180)
  • *ETHN 150: Visuality, Sexuality, and Race
  • *ETHN 183 Gender, Race, Ethnicity, and Class
  • ETHN 187: Latinx Sexualities (Cross-listed with CGS 187)
  • HILA 122: Cuba: From Colony to Socialist Republic
  • HILA 132: Modern Mexico: From Revolution to Drug War Violence
  • HILD 7C: History of Race and Ethnicity in the U.S.
  • *HIUS 120D: Race and Oral History in San Diego (Cross-listed with ETHN 120D)
  • HIUS 180: Immigration and Ethnicity in the Modern American Society (Cross-listed with ETHN 134)
  • *LTEN 159: Contemporary American Literature
  • *LTEN 169: Topics in Latino/a Literature
  • LTSP 2A: Intermediate Spanish I: Foundations
  • LTSP 2C: Intermediate Spanish III: Cultural Topics
  • LTSP 136: Andean Literature
  • LTSP 140: Latin American Novel
  • LTSP 175: Gender, Sexuality, and Culture
  • MUS 13: Worlds of Music
  • POLI 150A: Politics of Immigration
  • TDHT 110: Chicano Dramatic Literature
  • TDMV 142: Latin Dance of the World
  • VIS 126BN: The Art and Civilization of the Ancient Maya


Summer Session 1

  • ETHN 113: Decolonizing Education (4 units)
  • ETHN 118: Contemporary Immigration Issues (4 units)
  • *ETHN 154: History of Mexican America (Cross-listed with HIUS 113) (4 units)
  • *GLBH 111: Clinic on the Border - Health Frontiers in Tijuana (4 units)
  • HIUS 113: History of Mexican America (Cross-listed with ETHN 154) (4 units)
  • POLI 100H: Race and Ethnicity in American Politics (4 units)
  • *TDGE 11: Great Performances on Film - "Latinas on Film" (Section ID: 49482 with Professor Jade Power-Sotomayor)
  • TDHT 108: Luis Valdez (4 units)
  • TDMV 142: Latin Dance of the World (4 units)

Summer Session 2

  • *CGS 137: Latina Issues and Cultural Production (Cross-listed with ETHN 137) (4 units)
  • *EDS 113: Chicanas/os and Latinos in Education: Policy, Practice, and Challenges to Equity (4 units)
  • *ETHN 131: Social and Economic History of the Southwest II (Cross-listed with HIUS 159) (4 units)
  • ETHN 137: Latina Issues and Cultural Production (Cross-listed with CGS 137) (4 units)
  • GLBH 111: Clinic on the Border - Health Frontiers in Tijuana (4 units)
  • HIUS 159: Social and Economic History of the Southwest II (Cross-listed with ETHN 131) (4 units)
  • PHIL 155: Mexican Philosophy (4 units)
  • TDMV 142: Latin Dance of the World (4 units)